Political Communication in the Digital Era

21, August 2024

The Department of Humanities organized a guest lecture on “Political Communication in the Digital Era,” featuring esteemed speaker Mr. Sachin Tantry. The session provided invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of political communication in today’s digital age. 

Mr. Tantry delivered a thought-provoking presentation, highlighting how politics has transformed with the rise of social media. He discussed the strategies politicians now use to effectively engage with citizens and shape public opinion through digital platforms.

During the lecture, Mr. Tantry also delved into current affairs, including an in-depth analysis of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris’s portrayal in the media, illustrating the powerful role digital communication plays in shaping political narratives.

The session concluded with an interactive question-and-answer segment, where students actively engaged with the speaker, deepening their understanding of the topic. Overall, the guest lecture was a highly engaging and enlightening experience for all participants.