Components of CIA of UG & PG:

Sl No. Category Marks
25* 50 100 150
1 Internal Test 0 10 20 30
2 Assignment 0 5 10 10
3 Seminars, Case Study, Fieldwork, Review Writing, Report Writing. 0 5 10 20
4 Attendance 15 0 0 0
5 Intramural Participation 5 0 0 0
6 Skill Test/Intercollegiate/State/National level/AlU participation 5 0 0 0
Total Marks 25 30 40 60

*Denotes the CIA for the following 1 Credit Value Based Skill Enhancement Courses as per the BCU guidelines.
    a)  Yoga
    b)  Health and Wellness
    c)  Sports
    d)  NCC/NSS/EC & CC/R & R (S & G)

Sl No. Category Marks
50 100
1 Internal Test 5 10
2 Assignments/Case Study/ Projects / Case presentation / Class presentation 5 10
3 Simulation/Role Play/Seminars/Fieldwork/Mini Project/Experiential Learning/ Review Writing/Report Writing g. 5 10
Total Marks 15 30

Note: Lab-based courses: only one internal test shall be conducted after 8 weeks from the
commencement of the course.