
Dr. Ravindran Kandasamy

Assistant Professor
Presidency Business School

Dr. K. Ravindran is working at Presidency Business School, Bengaluru, with a distinguished academic and research career spanning 15 years. He has authored over 30 research articles in esteemed national and international journals and holds a patent in the marketing domain. Under his guidance, one candidate has successfully completed a Ph.D., and five research scholars are currently pursuing their doctoral studies. He is the author of five books and serves as a reviewer for prominent journals such as IGI Global Business and the International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering (IJAMSE). Currently, he holds the position of Managing Editor for the PJMTR journal and is an External Expert for the Journal of Inventive and Scientific Research Studies (JISRS). Dr. Ravindran has secured a significant research grant of 15 lakhs from the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). In addition to his scholarly contributions, he has been recognized with several awards and serves as a reviewer and editor for reputable academic publications. His primary research interests encompass marketing and entrepreneurship.

  • Urban management and sustainable business by entrepreneurs published by International Journal of Human Capital and Urban management (2024) (To be Indexed) https://doi.org/10.22034/IJHCUM.2024.03.04 (Scientific rank “A” from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology for 3 consecutive years.)
  • Prediction of organic products purchase decision by Generation Z consumers- An Empirical Perspective published by Series:Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, Springer, 20 February 2024. https://doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6463-374-0_25
  • Role of Training and Development on Employee Performance – A Study on Selected Star Hotels in Coimbatore Tamil Nadu published in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2024, 2742(1), 030002
  • A fuzzy DEMATEL decision modeling framework for identifying key human resources challenges in start-up companies: Implications for sustainable development published by Elsevier, Decision Analytics Journal 6 (2023) 100192. 
  • Received Rs. 14,00,000 (Rupees Fourteen Lakhs) for a Major Research Project titled “Strategic Analysis of the Issues and Challenges Faced by Startups in Bengaluru – A Study for Policy Formulation and Adoption” from the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). Reference Number: File No. ICSSR/RPD/MJ/2023-24/G/6.Dated:22.12.2023 ( Co-Director)
  • Recognized with the Teaching Competency Award from IQAC, Kalasalingam University.
  • As a co-convener, organized the ICSSR-sponsored two-day National Seminar on “Corporate Sustainability Greenwash and Its Impact on Environment, Society, and Governance (CSG-ESG 2024)” on 28th and 29th February 2024 at Presidency College, Bengaluru.
  • As a co-convener, organized the ICSSR-sponsored two-day National Seminar on “India’s $5 Trillion Economy: The Vision, Challenges, and Roadmap (5TE)” on 24th and 25th January 2024 at Presidency College, Bengaluru.